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Ways to Support the Inn


Estate Planning

Leverage your donation through a gift of stock and securities or real property

Stock and Securities Giving

By giving appreciated financial assets like stocks or bonds, you can avoid paying capital gains taxes on the appreciation, and at the same time, receive a tax deduction for the full present value of the gift.


Please check with your tax advisor to determine the full deductibility of your donation. When the West Point Inn receives a securities gift, our policy is to sell the asset as soon as possible after the receipt of the gift. 


If you wish to donate financial assets, please use the following procedure:


  • Contact our partner the Marin Community Foundation (MCF) directly at 415-464-2514 to inform them of your intentions to donate securities to the West Point Inn Legacy Fund.

  • Notify your broker that you are making a charitable gift to the West Point Inn, and instruct your broker to contact the MCF at (415) 464-2514 or  They’ll make the process easy.

  • Alert us to your intention by completing our Donation Form>> so that we can follow the arrangements that you have made, and facilitate tracking the transfer of the asset, as well as promptly acknowledge your gift.


Donating will help us keep the Inn in service to our community.

Real Estate

A planned gift is simply a gift that you commit to make to us in the future. It allows you to leave a lasting, positive impact that will continue far beyond your lifetime.


Legacy giving is easy to arrange. Most frequently, people do this by naming the West Point Inn in their wills or living trusts. And the great thing with a planned gift is that it can comprise almost anything: cash, securities, life insurance, IRA assets, real estate and more. It’s a very flexible way to leave a lasting legacy and make a real difference to our organization.


West Point Inn has partnered with the Marin Community Foundation (MCF), one of the largest community foundations in the country, to make it easy for supporters to donate to us through a planned or complex gift. The fund we established at MCF – the West Point Inn Legacy Fund – can accept gifts of all kinds. MCF’s expert philanthropic planners are ready to help you arrive at the best strategy for your giving.


So if you’re interested in making a planned gift, complex donation, or want to get more details about your options, contact MCF to talk to a Planned Giving specialist at (415) 464-2515. You and your advisors can then choose the route that best suits you.


We strongly recommend consulting with an attorney with these decisions, especially when preparing legal documents.  


If you’d like to explore these options, please let us know by completing our Donation Form>>.  A member of our WPIA Development Committee will follow up with you directly.


The WPI is a non-profit 501c3

(Tax ID 94-1006852) donations are gratefully accepted and fully tax deductible. 


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